General musings on programming languages, and Java.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Duck Typing in Java, and no reflection

interface CanQuack
 void quack();

interface CanWalk
 void walk();

<T extends CanQuack & CanWalk> void doDucklikeThings(T t)
You can pass anything to this method that implements CanWalk and CanQuack. Of course, this is optimally flexible when you have one method per interface, but that's not a problem. I can easily see the dependencies of doDucklikeThings, whereas if I had a larger Duck interface, e.g.:
interface Duck
 void quack();
 void walk();
 void eatAFish();
I wouldn't be able to tell by looking at the signature of a method that used Duck, whether it would call eatAFish. This works well for reducing coupling, and would probably be better than this Proxy-based attempt. There is no runtime cost, thanks to type erasure. It's rare that someone thanks Sun for type erasure, it seems, but I have got to grips with generics fairly well, thanks to Angelika Langer's excellent generics FAQ, and I find it very useful. I have applied this technique to a lot of the 20kloc program that I work on, IPSim (a network simulator), but I am still in this process. I hope you find this useful, or give me some damn good reasons why it isn't!

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A salsa dancing, DJing programmer from Manchester, England.